Chango for Development Initiative
Information Technology Services
Amorrack Monitoring and Evaluation Network (AMEN) Platform
One of the core services that AMORRACK provides is Program Development, Management and Support (PDMS) Services. APDMS are structured to support organizations with diverse or multiple programs / projects in their portfolios. Amorrack's APDMS team has the experience and requisite skills to work with interdisciplinary teams of all professionals to achieve program objectives and results.This involves detailed and enduring conceptualization as well as end-to-end application of development solutions based on thorough understanding of our client's development context and requirements. APDMS include:
• Conceptual development planning • Feasibility Studies • Program / Project Design (including Diagnostic Review of existing Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) models) • Sustainability alternatives. • Financing alternatives • Implementation Support,
Our Program Management Services entail provision of enduring and sustainable solutions based on a thorough understanding of the program and its broader social development context and our client’s requirements. APDMS are structured to achieve the core objectives, challenges and achieve outcome-based results for cost, schedule, and quality – with established Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to continuously monitor results using AMORRACK monitoring and evaluation tools. For every client, AMORRACK will perform a rigorous review of organizational functionality and policy environment within which the program or project will be subsequently developed and implemented. AMORRACK team shall always present clients with sustainable alternative options on development approaches with our proposed social development solutions, for achieving program objectives and the broad parameters by which we plan to monitor implementation performance.
Planning for execution of programs and projects will require some estimate of the duration and resources from initiation to completion, setting milestones and gateways for development of logistics based on forecast of activities to achieve target dates and budgets. APDMS establishes realistic Cost Management and Control mechanisms by developing program / project estimates and budget, monitor and help clients control their expenditure and manage the timelines.
AMORRACK Gender, Equality, Social Inclusion & Diversity (AGESID) Core Services
AGESID builds on Amorrack's commitment to gender equality which, focuses on ensuring that women and men, boys and girls are empowered to pursue their human rights and fundamental freedoms and are valued as equal and active participants in the well being of their households, workplaces, communities and societies.
AMORRACK has expertise in supporting programs and projects that includes investments and initiatives targeted towards the removal of barriers to participation, power and governance, and advancing access of individuals and groups to development opportunities. We are contributing to this through grant/funding support and technical assistance for partners, agencies and clients to build collective action and movements for advocacy, learning and engagement. AMORRACK works and shares best practices around themes including economic rights and empowerment; access to health and essential services; human rights promotion and protection; and inclusive governance, accountability and participation. AMORRACK also support partner agencies and clients using AGESID approach including investments and initiatives targeted towards the removal of barriers to participation, power and governance, and advancing access of individuals and groups especially women and girls to development opportunities.
AMORRACK delivers on supporting clients to develop GESID strategies that responds to global, regional and national commitments to equity and human rights.
AGESID Implementation includes: Policy Reviews, Policy Development and Implementation, Training, Capacity Building, and Support.
AMORRACK Capacity Building, Training and Mentoring (ACTM)
ACTM supports organizations to improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources needed to develop their program/project competencies. ACTM also supports organizations and their staff in their performance through tailored curriculum for a more efficient performance delivery. Further, ACTM supports Communities of practice in Development through capacity building toward social and behavioral change as well as training required for infrastructure development. ACTM focuses on understanding the obstacles that inhibits Organizations, people, governments, International Organizations and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based local grassroots organizations from realizing their development goals in order to achieve sustainable results. This is accomplished through strengthening of skills and competencies of organizations, people and communities in businesses and local grassroots movements in order to achieve their goals and overcome issues that could cause exclusion.
ACTM is framed on the belief that capacity building, training and mentoring programs should be iterative and include multiple systems: national, local, institutional and also, involve continual reassessment and be flexible to adapt to changing situations. ACTM provides support at the institutional, personnel, societal level and non-training level (using the UNDP model):
• Individual level –development of conditions that allow individual participants to build and enhance knowledge and skills. It includes the establishment of conditions that will allow individuals to engage in the "process of learning and adapting to change.”
• Institutional level – aiding institutions in program and organizational levels and supporting them in forming sound policies, organizational structures, and effective methods of management and monitoring and evaluation.
• Societal level – Community capacity building at the societal level should support the establishment of a more "interactive public administration that learns equally from its actions and from feedback it receives from the population at large." AMORRACK provides Community capacity building to develop public administrators that are responsive and accountable to their communities.
• Non-Training Level - providing enabling environment to the trained staff to perform at his optimum level.
ACTM implementation includes:
- Conducting Training Need Assessment (TNA)
- Engaging stakeholders on capacity development
- Assessing capacity needs and assets
- Assessing pre-existing capacities through engagement with stakeholders
- Formulating a capacity development response/ strategy
- Implementing a capacity development plan and
- Evaluating the outcome of the capacity development
- Identifying best practices.
Delivered by expert and experienced practitioners, ACTM combines both theory and practice, which, support the use of relevant specific software, products and solutions.
ACTM provides support in the following core areas:
Policy and Data Strategies: Providing comprehensive advice and guidance to enable you to plan, develop and implement data policies and strategies, data management systems, database design and Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI).
Management Training: Periodic and structured briefing sessions on critical technical subjects that enable organizations and individuals to extract more value and utility from their organization’s data and information.
Capacity Building: For when organization is new to the management of data or where staff require additional support to enable them to manage data in new ways.
Technical Training: Hands-on experience of using AMEN software and applications.
Gender Mainstreaming: Assessing always the implications of organizational programming on men, women and the most vulnerable of the society.
One-to-one or one-to-many mentoring assistance: that can be tailored to practitioners, managers and directors, to provide guidance in overcoming specific challenges staff or collaborating organizations faces in achieving operational efficiencies and by best practices.
AMORRACK Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (AMERL)
AMERL provides support for Monitoring and Evaluation (Including real-time M&E Systems, Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) Development, Building national/sector MERL Systems, Development of Results Frameworks/Logic Models, Theories of Change Mapping, Development of performance indicators (Input output, and outcome level indicators), Identifying baseline and target values, Data analysis and reporting. AMERL also includes Diagnostic Review of existing Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) models using a Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) framework. AMERL helps partners, agencies and clients evaluate how well their Self-Determined and Self-Monitoring programs/projects are making progress towards achieving their goals. AMERL encourages organizational growth through learning from weaknesses as well as strengths. AMERL supports monitoring and evaluation of program objectives, the links between projects and activities of an organization and its objectives, a program or organization's measurable indicators, data collection, and progress reports. AMERL also, supports the examination of quantifiable results which could be difficult to measure, looks at unintended results or consequences, and reviews reports on lessons learned as well as sharing of best practices.
AMORRACK has developed a unique software platform called AMORRACK Monitoring and Evaluation Network (AMEN) which is used to implement AMERL.
AMORRACK Corporate Social Responsibility, Support and Delivery (ACSRSD)
Through ACSRSD, AMORRACK supports organizations and corporations in the fulfillment of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by providing sustainable concepts and projects with implementation strategies and plans. Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is an organization’s obligation to its stakeholders, which are any groups/people that have a stake or interest in a company's success and products. This includes customers, employees, suppliers, investors and the communities surrounding the business. Stakeholders have varying needs to be met. Whereas an organization’s clients’ greatest concern may be the safety of a organization’s products, an employee's need might be for a fair wage and safe working conditions. An investor organization may be concerned with profits and the bottom line, while the community may care about a business environmental pollution resulting its activities. ACSRSD bridges the gap, by helping organizations to maximize their good while minimizing the bad on stakeholders' diverse interests.
ACSRSD helps organizations to assess their CSR clauses, policies and stated commitments and provides support in conceptualizing and implementing sustainable programs for beneficiaries, partners and stakeholders.
- Monitoring and Evaluation (Including Real-Time M&E Systems and CAPI Development
- Building National/sector Real-Time M&E and Program/Project Evaluation Systems
- Critical and At-Risk Children, Youth and Family (CACHY) Intervention and Sustainable Development Programming
- Sourcing, Procurement and Logistics Support
- Funding Brokerage
- Response to RFI, EOI, RFQ and RFPs
- Policy Analysis and Report Review
- Compliance and Regulatory Gap Analysis
- Systematic Reviews, Evidence Gap Mapping and Meta Data Analysis
- Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Programing
- Feasibility Studies
- Human Resource Development (including Institutional Capacity Building, Training and Mentoring for Success)
- Business Plans
- Technical Backstopping
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Programming
- Cyber and Infrastructure Security
- Financial Projections
- Evidence Synthesis
Agriculture and Food Security
Cyber and Information Security
International Development
For Profit Organizations
Family, Youth and Children
Non-profit Organizations
Energy & Natural Resources
Program/Project Management
Human Resource Development