Dr Samuel Boakye is a Sustainable/Resiliency Development Professional with 20+ years of leadership in global development practice with major interest in development programming, focusing on food security, health, education, natural resource conservation and good governance.
Dr Boakye is an expert in managing and directing multi-cultural and highly skilled teams and resources to achieve overall program goals and objectives including; Multi-Partner Program Design and Evaluation, Capacity Building and Training, Institutional Development, Education and Communication. Samuel is a strong advocate of target community participation in all aspect of development programs to ensure program success. Dr Boakye has Proven expertise in Development/Evaluation Research (Including Impact Evaluation and Real time data capture) using modern data collection methods and ICT based systems (such as SPSS Statistics and Modeler) to analyze data for timely policy decision making. He has established track record of successful sustainable development programs in Africa and Europe.
Also, an avid cybersecurity professional and practitioner, Dr Boakye, has both CompTIA Security Analytics Expert (CSAE), and CompTIA Security Infrastructure Expert (CSIE) Certifications and Licenses.
Dr Boakye has taught at the University of Cape Coast (Ghana), University of Sussex (UK) and the University College, London (UK). He has also consulted for the following international development organizations: (a)United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Regional Bureau for Africa, New York, (b) Food & Agricultural Organization (FAO) Regional Office for Africa, Accra, Ghana, (c)Winrock International – Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education (SAFE), (d) The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)- Ghana Office, (e)The World Bank- Primary School Development Project (PSDP), Ghana, (f) Alliance for Agricultural Revolution in Africa (AGRA)/DANIDA-Agricultural Value Chain Facility (AVCF) for the Northern Region of Ghana
Dr Boakye holds a Doctorate (DPhil in Development Studies) from the University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton in UK , an MPhil in Agricultural Extension, a BSc in Agriculture and a Diploma in Education from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He has also been a Member of the American Evaluation Association, Society for International Development (SID/SID Washington), and Association for International Agricultural Extension and Education (AIAEE).